Củ Chi tunnels

En av sakerna som är värda att nämna under den tiden som jag var datorlös är Củ Chi tunnels. Under Vietnamkriget så byggde vietnam många "små" tunnlar som vietnameserna kunde gömma sig och även bo i (dom kunde sträcka sig flera kilometer och var flera våningar), tunnlarna var så små att jag knappt kunde gå i dom och då hade dom gjort tunnlarna större för västlänningarnas skull. Củ Chi tunnlarna har länge varit en av sakerna på min lista att besöka så det var väldigt roligt och intressant att få se, vi fick även testa på och skjuta med AK-47.
One the things that are worth mentioning under the time I had no computer was the Củ Chi tunnels. Under the Vietnam war the Vietnamese built many "small" tunnels that the Vietnamese people could hide in and even live in (the tunnels could stretch many kilometers and have multiple floors), the tunnels were so small that I could barely walk in them and then they have made the tunnels a lot bigger than before for the westerners. The Củ Chi tunnels have long been one of the things on my list to visit so it was really fun and interesting to see, we also got to try and shoot with an ak-47.
We got to try and walk in this one, it was only 400m long and it was like this all the way, even smaller at some points.
Andreas and Jimmy
The shooting range where we got to try the ak-47
Before the Củ Chi tunnels, we visit a temple on the way. I don't remember the name exactly so I don't dare to say it :P
Never got a picture with Nha but she was with us too :P
Kategori: Allmänt Taggar: Ak-47, Củ Chi, Jimmy, Tunnlar, Vietnam, tempel;
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